Hey lovelies! Today's post is going to be a tag that I saw on another blog while browsing around and avoiding my responsibilities, you know, the usual. It seemed pretty fun and the author invited everyone to do it so I thought I'd go for it. No rambles today, let's get into it. I hope you enjoy!
I included a pretty picture because, well, it's pretty and I wanted to share :)
1-Who are your most influential bloggers? Who are the ones that you really rely on for reviews and swatches?
I love Karen at Makeup & Beauty Blog. Love her! I trust her for reviews, of course, but I also love her sense of humor and it shines through her writing which makes every post so much fun to read.
I also love Ruth at A Model Recommends. She's absolutely lovely, so glamorous (duh, she's a model) and utterly hilarious.
On a side note let me share with you my random fact of the day- it just occurred to me that both Karen and Ruth are cat lovers and owners and I'm utterly terrified of cats. I had a bad experience with one when I was little and I've never quite gotten over it. I tell people I'm allergic- I'm not. I'm just really scared of them. I typically can't even look at a picture of a cat without getting all cringey inside yet I don't mind reading or looking at anything that Karen or Ruth post about their cats, I maybe possibly even enjoy it...they're both melting my ice cold cat phobic heart!
2-Do you buy a product solely as a result from one review from your favourite bloggers, or do you look for more reviews from others?
I honestly enjoy looking up reviews. It allows me to do my research and gets me excited about the product, if that makes any sense. So I usually read at least a few reviews before I buy a product.
Plus, not every review has the product ingredients listed and being allergic to the pesky yellow dye that seems to be in almost EVERYthing, I always need to know the ingredients before I go to buy a product so I can be sure it doesn't have any yellow in it.
3-What is your most favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?
The Beauty Blender sponge! I love it to pieces and I actually thought it was just hype.
4- What is your least favourite item that you have ever bought as a consequence of blogs?
Smashbox BB cream. That was a horrible experience :/
5- Name 5 products you have bought recently as a result of blogs.
1.Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush
2. Urban Decay Chill Makeup Setting Spray
3. Makeup For Ever HD Foundation
4. Bobbi Brown Stick Foundation
5. Nars Creamy Concealer
6- Have you ever given into blogger hype? If so, which hype?
I gave into the hype about Glamglow and I wish I hadn't waited so long! I've tried and loved both Supermud and Powermud. Thirsty mud is next on my list!
7- Have you ever avoided blogger hype? If so, which hype?
I've managed to avoid all the hype about the Naked palettes. That's right, I don't own a single Naked palette...and I have the nerve to call myself a beauty fanatic. To be honest though, I can't have at least 2 of them because some of the eye shadows contain yellow dye so there's just no point spending money on a palette if I have to avoid some of the shades.
8-Is everything you buy based on blogger reviews or are there some items you buy without checking out a review?
Most of the things I buy are based on reviews but once in a while I'll just see something in store (generally at one of my homes away from home aka Sephora and Nordstrom) and buy it. The Shiseido Ibuki Moisturizer that I talked about in my Favorite Skincare Products post was a total impulse buy but it's one of the best things I've bought in the past few months.
Bonus Question- I included this one myself because I would love to know what the answer is for others!
Name 1 product you saw on a blog that you're eyeing up/lusting after/on the verge of buying at the moment.
For me, it's a tie between the GlamGlow Thirsty Mud and...now don't laugh but I really want to try the Sea Mineral Moisture Shampoo by Ogx (I believe they used to be called organix). It's a drugstore shampoo- it's less than $10, you'd think I would just buy it since I'm enough of a sheep to spend $40 on a highlighter at Nordstrom. The problem is, I'm a hair product junkie and I just have too many shampoos to justify buying another one! So I pass by it every time I'm at CVS and just gaze at it wistfully, sigh and move on. Oh the struggle.
And that's it! I tag Karen, Ruth and anyone and everyone who wants to do this tag to please do so and do leave me a link to your blog so I can read it!
If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave the answers in the comments section down below. You can answer all the questions or just a few or even just your favorite one. I would love to read them. :)